Two hearts and minds, though similar in their makeup, are expressed in two different personalities. When they come together, disagreement from time to time is inevitable.
Conflict in relationship (Engaged or married) is the main reason management is required in order to prevent further breakdown of the health of partners’ relationships.
Conflict results from opposing views of partners which is due to differences in upbringing, environment, culture and past experiences among others.

The inability to handle these differing views has resulted in the breakup of some relationships. The issues generated between partners some times are not really the main issues, they are mere symptoms.
I realised after counselling hundreds of partners in relationships that the knowledge gap and the unwilling attitude to put in the required work are major factors contributing to failed relationships.
If you are still reading or listening to this, then, I congratulate you; the adventurous journey you will be discovering in the following editions will help give clarity to managing conflicts from different perspectives.
You can experience bliss in your relationship “IF” you are willing to put in the required work