Challenges and Constraints in building a Family Systems that produces Quality Leaders and Qualitative Leaders.

We learned 3 ways to build effective Family Systems last week.

Note that there are many more ways and if you continue to stay tuned and committed to this community, you will learn all you need regarding Relational Leadership.

Today I want us to explore 3 Challenges and Constraints you may be facing in building a System in your Family towards producing Qualitative Leaders.

1) Lack of Proper Communication

2) Lack of Understanding

3) Lack of Exemplification

1) Lack of Proper Communication

Communication in its simplest definition is the passing across of information in a way that it is fully and clearly received by the receiver/recipient.

As a Leader, what you are communicating is as important as “how” you communicate it.

While communicating you want to ask the following questions;

1) What was my tone like?

2) What was the mood of the people? (In the case where it is not written communication)

3) How precisely did I make my message simple and clear?

4) What was the objective of my message when i started communicating?

5) What was the feedback? – Did it communicate my goals and objective?

While building a Family System and Ultimately Leaders from your Family, it is impossible for members of your Family move with the Values of your Family Vision that is intended to ultimately serve the World, if time is not taken for it to be patiently communicated.

2) Lack of Understanding

Leaders need to master the art of repetition without frustration in creative ways that makes the message and values stick.

It is important to keep in mind as a Leader that even though you have done your best in communicating and clarifying, comprehension will be different for different people whether it is members of your Family or Team Members at work.

You must build patience as a leader and mastery in communicating your message in different ways and possibly going deeper to understanding the communication style of those who don’t understand to bring them to the level of clarity that is needed for them to thrive.

You might even encounter cases as a Leader where a member of your Team or Family might just be proving difficult to “understanding” not because they can’t, but because they don’t want to.

Finding alternative means of communication starting out with understanding “where” they are coming from is a great way to succeed through this.

Have you experienced such?

I will like to know how dealt with the situation.

3) Lack of Exemplification

Modeling and Practicing what you expect of others is one of the best “shortcuts” to winning in Leadership that some Leaders sometimes miss.

As a Leader, you are not above the expectations you are placing others under.

When you as a Leader say one thing and do another thing, you are sending across mixed messages to your Family and Team members and that leads to doubt and second guessing of what you initially communicated which can be detrimental to the values and systems you are trying to build.

Practically as a leader,

You might not be able to show-up as strongly as you desire on all occasions through your exemplary lifestyle, what you can do in such instance is to be vulnerable to your Family as to why you “failed” in such instance, so that they can learn and furthermore that can be a good teaching conversation to help your Family Members deal with weaknesses, downtimes and see the importance of vulnerability on the journey to Effective and Exemplary Leadership.

Have you experienced such?

I will like to know how YOU dealt with the situation.


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