The recipe for success yesterday might not suffice for today’s success. Recipe in this context means the information required to keep you relevant and successful in your chosen field of influence.

We should learn to adapt as trends evolve.

Am i saying adapt with trends to the point of losing your uniqueness? 

Absolutely not!

The truth however is, you have to be a student of continuous learning in order to stay up to date in your chosen sphere of influence.

Some people limited themselves by believing in a saying; “You have to continue to do things the same way in order to continue to get the same results. “If you act along this line of thought, you will be shocked where you find yourself when life happens. There is a possibility that the person will remain with old stuff when the world would have moved on.

How Can You Keep The Recipe Fresh?

  1. Have an end in view. What are you meant to do?
  2. Know your uniqueness
  3. Intentionally surround yourself with people that you can feed from and also give to.
  4. Always evaluate from time to time to make sure you are on track. Let go of areas that have outlived their relevance and cultivate new ways to stay relevant.
  5. Trust God enough to go where he leads.

Maintain this cycle always and the recipe you use from time to time will remain relevant and keeps delivering results for you.

Success will happen at the right or ripe time.
