Words are important in our day to day affair. The choice of words you use will determine the response you will get to a large extent. Words paint pictures and those pictures create impressions in the mind of the people.

This is applicable to work setting, business, relationship and within a family. Be sensitive to the choice of words you use on people. You cannot express harsh words and expect someone to smile in return.

My emphasis in this article is on relationships. When it comes to relationships, don’t use harsh words. It erodes the bond between you and your partner. Imagine your partner uses words like;

“I love your person. You are kind, loving and generous.”

“I always love to be around you. Your presence makes a great difference in my life.”

Now, let us compare these to the following statements;

“I don’t even understand you again”

“What is wrong with you?”

“You such an annoying person”

“Sometimes I wonder why you cannot emulate other men/women like you”

You can imagine and attest to what the outcome will look like for both instances. Interestingly, when parties in a relationship are angry with each other due to unresolved issues, only the matured ones are able to put their emotions under control. In cases where this is not the case, exchange of harsh words becomes the order of the day. In other instances, the volatile situation gets worse till it ends up in physical involvement.

Your words are supposed to encourage, build confidence and endear the two of you to each other. When disagreement occurs, make a quick assessment/judgement of the case and do all that you can to thread on the carefully selected words path. In the event that you acted harshly, be quick to admit wrong and apologize.

If your partner is leaving you no choice, I will strongly suggest that you talk to a qualified counsellor.

Two wrongs obviously cannot make things right.

Always remember that you can experience bliss in your relationship!