Parents play a significant role in influencing the kind of values their children live by when they become young adults.

Consciously or unconsciously, parents are instilling values in their children in an empowering or disempowering way. These values can greatly impact their lifestyle choices, decision-making skills, relationships, and overall behavior.

When parents are aware of the far-reaching consequences of their roles in the lives of their children, they will become more intentional in the way they communicate values such as honesty, self-discipline, respect for others, love and compassion, and accountability.

When you look at some young adults and the traits displayed, don’t judge quickly. What you see is a reflection of the programming of values. In most instances, it starts from the homes they grew from. Sometimes, some of them are born into such an environment that they later grow up to see it as a normal way of life. In other instances, it could be due to association, culture, or certain past experiences.

When empowering values are entrenched, you see those young adults learning and developing empathy and the ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes. They learn to understand the consequences of their actions and practice self-control, decision-making, and critical thinking skills among others.

On the other hand, the young adult instilled with disempowering values could be seen making poor choices, engaging in risky behaviors, and struggling to build meaningful relationships among other vices.

When guidance and empowering structure are not in place, you may see someone feeling a lost sense of purpose, powerless, and confused.

Parents who understand the importance and impact of values would strive to empower their teenagers to make sound decisions and confidently navigate life’s challenges.

We are going on a ride to see the impact of parental values on Teenagers from different angles. We will also be looking at how this links with the type of leader the person becomes when given the opportunity to lead within a team. It will be awesome to jump on this ride so that we can make it engaging and see how developing a system around this can make our society a better place to live. This will be a weekly adventure on this platform.

Remember, today’s youths are our future leaders. How well empowered they are will determine what becomes of our future. Follow the current trend of what is going on among the young people today in your community or nation, it is a representation of the possible future.

You have a role to play, let’s do this together.

