Uncultivated skills or knowledge required for the next 10 years of your life can reduce your chances of remaining relevant and successful when the time comes.

You need to invest in yourself to stay relevant with the chance of maximising opportunities 

Failing to progressively enhance your value is denying yourself of taking advantage of opportunities that will come your way from time to time.

There is a common saying that says;

Play now, pay later or pay now and play later.

If you chose not to spend your life wisely, there is a high chance that it can bankrupt your success in the future. 

You cannot harvest any crop if you have not planted a seed. Blaming people for your failure is retreating from taking responsibility for your life.

Most of us make mistakes while growing up. We shouldn’t use those mistakes as justification for not getting ahead in life. Agreed, it might have set some areas of our lives backward, but it cannot stop us from starting afresh.

It is better to start making progress from age 50 than holding on to the past mistakes as reasons for not moving ahead.

Let’s assume two people realise their mistakes at age 50. One decided to start re-tracing steps towards the right path while the other person chose to assume that it is too late. When they both turn 55, who do you think would have better value and likelier chance to succeed?

Your guess should be as good as mine. The person  that took action, right?

I deviated to bring this balance in order to give perspective to anyone feeling it is too late.

My encouragement therefore is to:

  1. Analyse the current state you are in.

2.  Identify where you missed it.

  1. Take note of lesson(s) learnt. 
  2. If you are having a challenge with point “3”, talk to a professional in that particular area to guide you out of it.
  3. Start tracing your way back to the right path. 
  4. Get someone to equally assist you if point “5” is a challenge.
  5. Review from time to time to measure progress.

Following this framework will aid the enrichment of your life as against the bankrupted one from a mispent life.

Go for it!