Lead Where You Are!

You don’t need big breaks or top positions to lead.

You can lead at all levels.

The mistake some people make is waiting for a rare opportunity to exhibit their creative genius.

Your big breaks or opportunities to influence are already in what you do at the current level.

How you do one thing suggests how you will do it in other areas.

How you relate with your sibling, parents, colleague, superiors or subordinates is already giving indications of what will be when bigger opportunities come.

Just a few questions to objectively ask yourself:

  1. How do you handle feedback in your current role(team leader, parent, colleague, siblings)?
  2. How do you currently relate with people around you?
  3. Do you see opportunities where others are seeing problems?
  4. Do you do regular evaluations of yourself from time to time?
  5. How do people feel after they are done speaking/engaging with you?

The questions are endless…..

Cultivate the habit of making positive changes in any given situation you find yourself.

You might not be able to control situations at all times.

However, do your best with every opportunity that comes your way.

#leadership #leadershipdevelopment #coaching #success #people #team #change