Do not put another person down just to get ahead in your career or job.

Do your job well and work at exceeding expectations of your employer.

The fact that some people use this to rise in an organization doesn’t necessarily make it right.

It tends to give temporary success. This success is not sustainable in the long run.

If you find yourself in an organization where this is practiced, ensure you don’t join the practice of the team.

It is possible you have not seen the bigger picture if you are trapped in this web.

Sometimes, it looks like you are the odd one out. Be assured that time will always reveal the difference between the person exhibiting competence with character and the one negatively using other people as stepping stones to get ahead.

Who you become in the process cannot be taken away. You are either empowered to the point of evolving organization(s) of your own “OR” continue to look for people to use negatively to get ahead.

If you ask me, I think I would rather be that person evolving other organizations than staying low to continue to manipulate people to get ahead.

What about you?

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