by Dele Agbogun | Aug 11, 2023 | Leadership, Relationship
The article written last week started with a quote I would like to repeat in my opening line today; “The decisions we are making today have far-reaching consequences tomorrow.” We need to understand the decision-making process in order to guide our daily...
by Dele Agbogun | Aug 4, 2023 | Leadership, Relationship
The decisions we are making today have far-reaching consequences tomorrow. These consequences could either be empowering or disempowering. Where you see yourself ten years from now will impact what you do today. Stay in line and give the process all it requires to see...
by Dele Agbogun | Apr 23, 2023 | Leadership, Relationship
This question is applicable to anyone in a knowledge-sharing or oversight role in a team. Is your gameplay to be seen as a star player or someone blended within the team? The position of authority to make decisions may be one of your responsibilities. You should...
by Dele Agbogun | Apr 2, 2022 | Relationship
You are responsible for the change you want to see. Are you: Committed to continuous learning?Open minded?Vulnerable enough to admit when you are wrong?Authentic? A Chinese proverb says; For you to continue to do the same thing and expect a different...
by Dele Agbogun | Jun 25, 2021 | Relationship
What is the essence of relationship between partners? It is simply to make things better for both parties and the society. The process of getting better will demand commitment from both parties. Do not take the commitment required in the process to mean suffering....
by Dele Agbogun | Apr 3, 2021 | Leadership, Managing Conflicts, Relationship
Hmm. This is huge. I grew up with the understanding that a father had to be very firm, be in charge, and his children had to dive for cover whenever he arrived. I observed, while growing up, that fathers yelled at their children to get things done when it seemed...