What is the essence of relationship between partners?

It is simply to make things better for both parties and the society.

The process of getting better will demand commitment from both parties. Do not take the commitment required in the process to mean suffering.

Seeing commitment and willing to give it through the process make both parties better over time. Seeing suffering instead and retreating from commitment would only increase negative emotions with unhealthy outcomes.

Possible vibes from someone with a suffering mindset:

1.       I made a mistake to commit to this relationship.

2.       You are a mistake in my life.

3.       My life was better before my relationship with you.

4.       You are a bad luck in my life.

Possible vibes from someone with a commitment mindset:

1.       I can see differently based on your point of view.

2.       Your uniqueness has made me better, even though it wasn’t easy to adapt in some areas.

3.       Thank you for spicing up my world.

4.       Hmmnn! There are some things about you I cannot change. However, these have added flavor to my experience.

Take a look at the two different mindsets.

Which one will you rather prefer to imbibe in your relationship?

If you see yourself in the first category and you would really want to make a transition to the second, reach out to me and let’s discuss.